
Trail Etiquette

I think as trail riders we need to have some list of dos and don'ts associated with what is expected from ourselves and our trail partners.  This is going to be a work in progress, please comment below if you think something should be added or amended.

  1. Don't run off without your partners aware or ready.
  2. Wait for rider behind you to clear difficult obstacles
  3. Don't run up on another rider, slow down when approaching and passing.
  4. If you have a horse that kicks or bites, warn other riders.
  5. Respect the land you ride on, obey all signs. (Karen M.)
  6. Cater the ride to the least experienced. (Tori P.)
  7. ...


  1. Always ride as slow as the newest, less confident rider needs to ride...

  2. Respect the land you are riding on, obey posted signs.

  3. Make sure to knock down all the cobwebs (preferably not with your face) when you are the first on the trail in the morning.
